Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Year 6 Autumn

Welcome to the Year 6 class page. 
Each week we will be sharing some highlights of our week and showcasing some of the amazing work we have produced.
We are looking forward to enjoying the children's final year at Thingwall Primary school together.
Miss Taylor and Miss Durn. 
This term we are learning all about World War 2. In History, we have been discussing how and why the war started and why Neville Chamberlain's attempts to avoid the war, using appeasement tactics, failed.
In our English lessons, we have been looking at 'war and conflict' subject specific vocabulary in order to produce some high-quality, descriptive poetry. Through our reading book, 'When We Were Warriors' and our writing book, 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope', we have been looking at the effects that war can have on different  people, how they rally together and never lose hope. 
In PE lessons, the children have been developing their hockey skills by learning how to control their sticks in order to keep possession of the ball and working strategically in teams to play against each other.
We had a lovely time this afternoon, sharing stories with our F2 buddies. 
This week we were very fortunate to have Faktara visit us to share with us about her family and the culture of Bangladesh. We learned about where Bangladesh is in the world, its flag, food, land, cities, language and clothes. With Faktara's help, We learned how to write our names in Bangla. 
The children have produced some amazing artwork, inspired by LS Lowry. They explored the artist's work to study his figure drawings and perspective used in his backgrounds. Their sketch work that followed is fantastic, showing skills in using shading and tone. I'm sure that Lowry himself would be impressed with their final pieces!
Through our 'Light' topic in science lessons, we are exploring how light travels in straight lines and how it reflects off surfaces to enable us to see objects. We used two mirrors to create a periscope effect, allowing us to see objects that were not in our direct line of sight. We were also fascinated by how refraction works - we placed a pencil in a glass of water to prove that refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one transparent substance into another, in this case air and water, which created a distorted image of the pencil. 
In Music, the children have been reseaching German composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. To link with this and our History unit, we learned some German words and phrases on International Languages Day to create word art in the shape of Beethoven using our computing skills. 
Homework Reminder!
Children will receive homework on Fridays, to be completed by the following Thursday. 
As well as their paper based work, they will also have a spelling challenge set on Spelling Shed and are encouraged to practise their times tables fluency on TT Rockstars. Their logins for both of these websites are in their Reading Records.
This half term, we have been learning how to be safe online in our computing lessons. We have considered the location and privacy settings of our devices, learned about 'good' and 'bad' digital footprints and thought about how much screen time we spend on average each day. We have inputted data, created reports and analysed the results. 
We had a great time in our Danceathon today - there was some great dancing to all The Beatles classics! Sponsor money can still be collected and brought into school on Monday 31st October, thankyou.
In RE, we are learning about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world. This week we have been looking at the similarities and differences between how we celebrate Christmas here in the UK and how it is celebrated in Ukraine. One tradition there is to decorate their Christmas trees with glittery spider's webs. We learned about the origins of this through the story The Spider and the Christmas Tree (A Ukrainian Christmas Story). To make your own spider web decorations, just click on the links below. The more glitter, the better!
In our PE lessons the children are developing their gymnastic skills which involve balancing, counter balancing, coordination and teamwork. As you can see, they designed and displayed some very impressive positions.