Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Home Learning in the event of home isolation

Please login to Google Classroom for daily home learning for year four.
Spring Term 2021
Home learning tasks for Wednesday 5th January,Thursday 6th and Friday 7th January
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and are all safe and well. It's not the start to term we had hoped for, but we need to stay safe and positive.
Maths: Watch the video link each day, then complete the worksheet(s) (please see links and worksheets attached below)
Wednesday: Multiply by 1 and 0
Thursday: Divide by 1 and itself
Friday: Multiply by 3 and Divide by 3
English; You will be completing work based on the story 'The King of the Fishes' (see resource below). Remember to read the instructions very carefully. You can record your work on the booklet, or in the yellow exercise book or on paper.
Wednesday: Complete the activity 'My three wishes' on page 3. Then read the story on pages 4 and 5. What did you think? Answer the 3 questions on page 6.
Thursday: Page 8 - Words! Words! Words! Write a short sentence to match each picture. Then complete tasks on pages 7, 8 and 9.
Friday: Page 10 - Read and understand. Answer questions by circling the correct answer.
Spellings: Practise week 14 spellings - words containing 'ten' and homophones (see resource below)
Purple Mash:
Wednesday: I have set 3 geography-based tasks on Purple Mash - World Continents, World Oceans and Physical Features Quiz. You can use an atlas to help you with the first 2 tasks if you want. You will need to think carefully about the third activity!
Thursday: One task has been set - Digital Footprint Quiz
Friday: Water Use leaflet - describe the activities you would miss if you had to walk to collect water.
Remember to get some exercise, but if you go outside, wrap up warm!
Video links
Multiply by 1 and 0: 
Divide by 1 and itself: 
Multiply and divide by 3: