Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Home Learning in the event of home isolation

Please login to Google Classroom for daily home learning for year three.
Fantastic Friday  8.1.21
Well done Year 3. You have nearly made it to the end of the first week.I hope you have stayed nice and warm on these icy days. If everything goes to plan, this will be our last VLE lockdown work session on this page as everything is hopefully moving over to Google Classroom from Monday.
Today can you-
English- Complete the first comprehension in your English Book. I have left a blank page for you to number and write your answers.
English-Login to IDL and complete at least 5 sessions.
Maths-8x table again today. I have given you a sheet to work from. Remember each number can only be put in one place on the Carroll diagram. You will need an adult to take you through this one first. 
Can you log in to TTRockstars for 20 minutes today and see if you can do some speedy times tables.
PE-In the afternoon we have PE so if you can and the weather is ok can you get a good one hour of exercise. If it's too cold or icy or your adult is very busy perhaps you could complete a PE session with Joe Wicks instead.
Make sure you have a lovely weekend. Remember to get some rest and some fresh air. Stay kind and keep smiling. 
Mrs Mitchell
Terrific Thursday  7.1.21
Hello again Year 3. Thank you if you have collected your Home Schooling Folder. I hope it helps to keep all your work together. It was  very icy on the playground yesterday. I wonder if it will snow? I hope you know all about WHO the Anglo Saxons were from yesterday's history.
Today can you-
English- Read through the delicate and strong things that you wrote down for yesterday's English work. Then read through Page 4 in you Creative Writing Lockdown Unit. Today can you write a List Poem about your delicate things. Take a whole page in your English Book, write a date and a title and decorate around your finished List Poem.
 Maths-It's all about the 8x table today. See if you can remember the multiples of 8 by the end of this lesson.
0  8  16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72  80  88  96
I have attached an 8x table Spider sheet to do today.
Music-I have set you a Music 2Do in Purple Mash. If you click the green triangle you can watch a video to help you. See if you can compose a piece of music that could be played when you read your List Poem. Remember it is all about delicate things so your music will need to be quieter to match. Think carefully about your choice of instruments too!
Have a lovely Thursday. Stay kind and keep smiling.
Mrs Mitchell
Happy 2021!
Wonderful Wednesday    6.1.21
Hello fantastic Year 3. It seemed very quiet today in the Year 3 classroom but I hope to see you all soon. I hope that you have all had a lovely Winter break by spending time with your family, resting and having fun and are ready for an exciting Spring Term of Year 3 work!
Please pop into  school and pick up a Home School Pack to support your work at home. These  will be left outside the dining room (weather permitting) or in the Office Reception Area
In your pack you will see that some Maths and English pieces of work are in there. These are "extra" and only need to be completed if they are what I ask you to do on that day or can be done if you just want some extra work. BUT PLEASE COMPLETE THE DAY'S SET WORK FIRST. There is also the first English reading/writing unit called Lockdown Creative Writing Unit. This will be available as a download but I've printed you a copy to get started. Remember, just like in school to think about the presentation of your work-Date, Title and the begin.
Today can you-
English-Complete Page two and three activities of Lockdown Creative Writing Unit in your English Book. On page 3 fill in the table and then in your English Book write down your own ideas. 
Maths- To get us started-we will normally be completing White Rose Maths- I have added in a multiplication sheet for today to get your times tables warmed up.  Write your answers in your Maths Book remembering to write down the number of the question you are on. This sheet is in your Home Learning Folder too.
History -The Anglo Saxons. Follow this link
To find out WHO the Anglo Saxons were. Write  bullet points about five really interesting things that you have found out.
Remember that you can always dip into Bug Club, TTRockstars and Purple Mash too but please  take time out and have a walk, run or play in the fresh air. 
Keep smiling, wash your hands and stay the lovely, kind class that you are for me. (This instruction includes all the adult helpers too!)
Mrs Mitchell