Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Homework - Autumn Term

Each week's homework and spellings list will appear on this page. Hope you find it helpful.
Please remember to return your homework bags, homework books and reading books to school each FRIDAY so they can be quarantined over the weekend. Thank you.

Homework 30.11.20 due in on Friday 4th December


Homework bags, homework books and reading books will need to be returned on Friday (4th December) so they can be quarantined over the weekend. The homework this week is paper-based.


Spellings tests are now on a Monday and Timetables’ tests on a Friday.


Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Please record this in your reading record.


Maths – Revision of x6 and x7 tables. Worksheet stuck in homework book.


English – Singular to plural – spelling rules. Worksheet stuck in homework book.

Apostrophe (for contraction and possession). Worksheet stuck in homework book.


Practise x10 and x11 tables - to be tested on Friday 4th December.


x10 and x11 multiplication test on Purple Mash.


Spelling homework 12 – The children have created their own list of spellings to ‘revisit’ and learn this week. These will be tested next Monday.

Homework 16.11.20 due in on Friday 20th November


Homework bags, homework books and reading books will need to be returned on Friday (20th November) so they can be quarantined over the weekend. The homework this week is paper-based.


Spellings tests are now on a Monday and Timetables’ tests on a Friday. 


Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Please record this in your reading record.

- Maths– Multiplication facts. Worksheet stuck in homework book. 

- English – Adding ‘ation’ and The missing ‘ation’. Worksheets stuck in homework book.

- Practise x8 tables- for test on Friday.

- Spelling homework 10 – root words which take the ‘ly’ suffix.

         minute          peculiarly

        minutely       quarter

        particular     quarterly

        particularly  recent

        peculiar        recently

Homework set 2.11.20 - due in Friday 6th November
Homework bags, homework books and reading books will need to be returned on Friday (6thNovember) so they can be quarantined over the weekend. The homework this week is paper-based.

Spellings tests are now on a Monday and Timetables’ tests on a Friday. 

Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Please record this in your reading record.

Maths– Addition of 3 digit numbers. Worksheet stuck in homework book. 

English - Adverbs. Worksheet stuck in homework book.

Spelling homework 8 – The children have created their own list of spellings to ‘revisit’ and learn this week. These will be tested next Monday. Their lists are stuck in their homework books.

Practise x6 and x7 tables to be tested on Friday 6th November.

Homework set 12.10.20 - due in Friday 16th October.

Homework bags and reading books will need to be returned on Friday (16th Oct) so they can be quarantined over the weekend. The homework this week is paper-based.

Spellings tests are on a Wednesday and Timetables’ tests on a Friday. 

Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Record this in your reading record.

Maths– Place value – partitioning. Answer questions 4 -8. Worksheet stuck in homework book. 

English - using coordinating conjunctions to join clauses. Worksheet stuck in homework book.

Spelling homework 5 will be tested this Wednesday 14th October. You can then start learning Spelling homework 6 - root words which start with m or p taking the prefix ’im’. 

Learn 7x tablesto be tested on Friday 16th October.

Homework 7.12.20 due in 11.12.20


Please remember to return your homework bags with your reading books to school on Friday 11.12.20. Thank you.


Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Record this in your reading record.


The homework this week is online. I have set you three 2Do tasks on Purple Mash. They need to be completed by Friday 11th December.


-      Water Cycle – describe the 6 important processes.


-      The Water Cycle – find the hidden words – use the pause button and slider to control the text.


-      Multiplication – x12 tables test.


-      Spelling homework 13 – words containing ‘augh’ and root words ending in ‘d’, which take the suffix ‘sion’.


         naughty       taught

         caught         expand

         daughter     expansion

         draught       extend

         laugh          extension


    -  x12 tables test on Friday 11th December.
Homework 23.11.20 due in on Friday 27th November

Please remember to return your homework bags with your reading books to school on Friday 27.11.20. Thank you. This week’s homework is online.


Spellings test is on Monday and Timetables’ tests on Friday.


IDL spelling: Please complete 3 IDL lessons this week. Please check that your password works (stuck in the back of your reading record). If it doesn’t, let us know straight away so the problem can be sorted and you can complete the tasks.


TTRockstars: x3 sessions – using Garage, Studio and Soundcheck.


‘Henry V111 wives: Purple Mash task.


x9 Tables test : Purple Mash task.


9x tables:  to be tested on Friday 27th November.


Reading: Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Record this in your reading record.


Spelling homework 11 words ending with ‘al’ and words containing ‘sc’.


natural               special

actual                accidental

experimental     science

scene                 discipline

fascinate           crescent

Homework 9.11.20 due to be completed by Friday 13th November.

Please remember to return your homework bags with your reading books to school on Friday 13.11.20. Thank you.

Remember to read every day for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Record this in your reading record.

The homework this week is online. I have set you three 2Do tasks on Purple Mash. They need to be completed by Friday 13th  November.

-      Rosa Parks – research and write facts about Rosa Parks.

-      Science activity – Solids, liquids and gases.

-      Multiplication – x8 tables test.

-      Spelling homework 9 – words ending with ‘ion’.

        mention                 possession

        occasion                question

        imagination            continuation

        description            completion

        experimentation    mission

Homework set 19.10.20 - due in Sunday 25th October

Please remember to return your homework bags with your reading books to school on Friday 23.10.20. Thank you.

Remember to read every day  for at least 15 minutes out loud to an adult. Record this in your reading record.

The homework this week is online. I have set you four 2Do tasks on Purple Mash. They need to be completed by Sunday 25thOctober.

Sir Francis Drake – write about the travels of Sir Francis Drake.

Add Numbers (4 digits) – to reinforce column addition work.

Multiplication – x7 tables test.

Yr 4 Aut 2 Wk 3 Quiz – Adding suffix –ation.

Spelling homework 6 will be tested this Wednesday 21tstSeptember. You can then start to learn Spelling Homework 7 (words containing a ‘c’ as an ‘s’ sound and words which take the suffix ‘ous’ and keep the final ‘e’), which will be tested after half term on MONDAY 2nd November.

7x tables to be tested on Friday 23rd October.


After half term, spellings tests will be carried out on Mondays and a new list of spellings will be given out that day as well. The list can also be found on the school website Y4 class page under ‘Home Learning Page’ – ‘Homework’ – ‘Autumn Term’. I will also upload the week’s homework sheet.