Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Home Learning January 2021

Please login to Google Classroom for daily home learning for year five.
Hello children, 
Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas. It is a very strange start to the year and we wish that you were all with us at school, but we have to do whatever we can to keep us all safe. 
This week I will be setting work for you on this page. Read below to find out what I would like you to do each day.
Take care of yourselves and of your families and always be kind, 
Miss Arden
In addition to the tasks below, each day you can do:
Bug Club reading (including comprehension questions within a text)
Times Table Rockstars activities
Maths or grammar games on Purple Mash
Any writing/science/computing tasks on Purple Mash
PE/Daily exercise- at least 30 minutes
Home learning tasks for the week beginning 05.01.21
Maths: Click on the lesson to access the video
Wednesday: Calculate Perimeter 
There are also some maths games set on Purple Mash for you to complete.
Wednesday: Coordinating conjunctions
Go to https://www.naturalcurriculum.co.uk/year5/coordinating-conjunctions/greater-bulldog-bat/screen-1/
Work through the tabs at the bottom of the screen:
1. Learning Objective
2. The grammar bit
3. Whiteboard activities 
4. Writing ideas
Each tab will explain what you have to do. Follow the instructions and become experts in coordinating conjunctions!
Thursday: Pandora
Watch this clip Pandora
Scroll down to the clip 'Pandora' 
As you watch the clip think about all of the words you could use to describe the atmosphere of the planet, for example toxic, uninhabitable.
Watch the clip again and write down as many facts as you can about the planet. 
Today you are going to write a descriptive paragraph about the planet Pandora. You must use compound sentences in your paragraph and should include 6-8 interesting facts about the planet. 
Friday: Watch the clip of Pandora again. 
Today you will be focusing on describing the creatures on Pandora. 
When you have watched the clip, draw your own version of a creature that would live on Pandora and label it with descriptive words and phrases. Then use these descriptive words and phrases to write a descriptive paragraph about your animal. Remember to use compound sentences. 
We are going to be learning about tone in our art lessons this half term. Use the powerpoint below to learn about how artists use tone in their drawings. 
Have a go at creating tone by practising different techniques, then choose an object from around the house to draw. All you will need is a pencil, a piece of paper and a rubber! 
This term we will be learning all about changes of materials. This week you will be learning about the properties of materials. 
Read the information 'Materials and their properties' (attached below) then login to Purple Mash and complete the 2Do set. Try to use as much scientific vocabulary as you can. 
Last term we learned about earthquakes in geography. Do you remember the model Miss Cummings made us? Have a look at the pictures on our class page to remind yourself.
Click here to remind yourself how earthquakes happen then logon to Purple Mash and complete the factfile all about earthquakes. Use the vocabulary tabs on the left hand side to find tips and ideas of what you could include. Try to use the vocabulary in your writing.